Fibre: Blended Blue Squirrel Hair
A flat, bean-shaped brush of Superior Grade AAA Goat Hair mixed with blue squirrel hair. Can be used for featherweight application and blending of pigments and powders or as a tool to gently clear the skin of any excess product. The patented aluminium handle is designed for facial massage. Queenie Chan's original creation. Limited edition.
革新設計, 已獲專利註册的偏平腰豆形扇狀掃, 採用最高級的藍松鼠毛混山羊毛, 是毛中極品. 可用於輕掃全面, 細緻混和各種色粉, 及掃走任何多餘顏料, 使妝容更柔和近乎完美無瑕, 達專業化妝水平. 專利鋁製掃柄可作按犘面部功能, 由QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏設計, 限量版生產.
「Brush 218」(愛你發)